The Art on Art.

There is no answer as to why it is art. It could be fishing, looking through a microscope, or cooking.

I think we come into this experience with things that are tethered to the other side, and then we discover them at some point in our lives. Some of us are better at figuring what it is, and lean into it, and some of us take longer, and that was me. I always knew it was the arts, but didn’t have the courage to go against my family, I was a closeted creative.

It wasn’t until I was an adult, and realized that I didn’t have to restrict myself to my past and admitted this is what I needed to do.

Then came figuring out the artist statement. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t create one. Giving voice to the “why is it art?” never felt right. After a lot of prodding, and staying the course of trying to figure out this thing, because people needed to know why, I stumbled into “finding the heart in the matter”, I knew that was it. It was simple and open, and maybe it was that stubborn side of me where I didn’t want to over explain. I didn’t want to be locked into one aspect of thinking. I wanted to express from freedom. That’s probably why I love abstract art, it’s free of form, and definition.

There is nothing of value without truth. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep cleaning my lens to experience life as truthfully as I can. This is why I have embraced change, and love feeling the realization of something new - different. Art has shown me that as messy as life can be sometimes, it’s vibrant, never boring, beautifully painful, and so rich that I can taste the texture. I don’t always get this right…but when I’m living from my heart, I am creating that living, breathing experience of art. It’s real.

FHM (Find the Heart in the Matter)




Realizing change…