Born in Guyana, grew up in Barbados, and migrated to the US…Arifah is used to facing new realities, and challenges. Art has been and is the catalyst for coping and developing new perspectives during her life.

Arifah's journey began in Barbados, but it took a pivotal turn when she moved to the United States for college. Eventually settling in Indianapolis, Indiana, she built a life for herself and her two sons. Unfortunately, one of her children developed asthma during childhood, and she suspected it was linked to the subpar air quality resulting from a poorly executed home renovation.

Motivated by a newfound passion for green and sustainable living, Arifah delved into extensive research. Recognizing a significant gap for a woman's perspective in home design, she decided to establish a sustainable home renovation company. Throughout these years, her appreciation for color, texture, and layers flourished. Arifah cherished the trust bestowed upon her by homeowners and reciprocated that trust by infusing care into spaces that truly reflected the essence of families and individuals.

Amidst this transformative period, Arifah found herself immersed in elaborate stories and paintings—though admittedly, both were initially lacking. The joy derived from this creative process proved irresistible, drawing her back time and time again to explore another realm at the inception of something new.

When discussing her creative journey, Arifah emphasizes the profound influence of a deep-seated desire: to care for her sons in a manner she had not experienced in her own childhood. This desire became intertwined with her creativity, fostering an appreciation for life and a commitment to experiencing it to the fullest. At the core of everything she creates lies this heartfelt dedication to nurturing and cherishing the beauty of life itself. Arifah recognizes that every creation is a starting point for something greater, echoing the continuous cycle of growth and renewal.