Getting honest with myself…

I’ve been painting for over fifteen years now, and feeling confident with my skill and communicating from the insecurities that creativity naturally brings. Creativity in it’s definition from the dictionary includes: “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patters, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.” There it is, self-doubt, insecurity, listlessness, all wrapped up in the process of creating art.

I’ve not wanted to share what’s going on inside me, or why I paint, because “it was too personal”. When in fact, the world is on a deep search for connectivity. That’s why this blog has been lifeless for a few years. So what was I really running from? As I write this I’m sweating, I don’t want you to see my insecure side. I don’t want to share stories about my challenging childhood, and adult years choosing people of a similar fabric as my father. But, I have to share, because this is why I paint.

I paint to breathe. I paint to taste air. I paint to feel my heartbeat. I paint to feel. I need to paint.




Life in progress…